Monday, August 8, 2011

Contemporary Abstract Oil Textured Painting by Brad Rickerby

9" x 12" x 1.5"
 Abstract Oil on Canvas
$47.00 (with 10% donated to charity)
Painting by Brad Rickerby
Available for sale.

Pretty much the same as the last painting. I have to admit that the work of Gerhard Richter wasn't far from my mind when I created this.

This painting is for sale and 10% of the very low price will be donated to charity.

For more information, please contact me at

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Paul Klee

 Colour and I are one. I am a painter.  

Paul Klee, 1914.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Contemporary Abstract Oil Textured Painting by Brad Rickerby

9" x 12"
 Abstract Oil on Wood
$47.00 (with 10% donated to charity)
Painting by Brad Rickerby
Available for sale.

I took one look at the work of Gerhard Richter and knew that I had to try to emulate it. Let me tell you, it is a lot harder to do than you might think. Here is my attempt (I have another coming soon). It took several months to complete because of all the thick oil paint that had to dry in between all of the many layers.In the end, all I can say is that it is different from what I have done before and it certainly is colorful. I will absolutely spend time trying to refine this technique.

I started with a layer of Zinc White applied thickly with a palette knife. I made sure to leave wrinkles in the spreading of the paint.When the white layer dried, I started spreading layers of color, two or three at a time so they would mix on the surface. These layers where also spread with a palette knife and I made sure that the wrinkles were emphasized. As I went along like this, I used the palette knife to scrape lines, seemingly at random, into the surface of the wet paint. I repeated this process several times, making sure to leave some of the initial white layer showing through for contrast and depth.

If you are interested in purchasing this work, please contact me by email at

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Contemporary Abstract Acrylic Textured Painting by Brad Rickerby

8" x 8" x 1.5"
 Abstract Acrylic on Canvas
$47.00 (with 10% donated to charity)
Painting by Brad Rickerby

There is a lot of energy in this painting. Probably because I spent so much energy throwing paint on to the canvas. I used the same technique here as I did for the others in this series of paintings. The background for this painting is Ultramarine Blue mixed with the slightest dab of Titanium White. The next layer of paints were reds, mostly cadmiums. I then tried to cover the red layer with multiple colors, basically anything that seemed right at the moment. A large percentage of the yellows I used were mixed with Titanium White. The ratio is a lot of white to a touch of yellow. I know that is very exact, but I just keep mixing colors until I have what I want.

A note on color. I never (almost) use paint straight out of the tube. There are so many more beautiful colors that can be made by mixing. And the beauty of the painting is, in the final analysis, dependent on the beauty of the colors in it. In many cases I will mix color right on the canvas. For this painting, and the others in the series, I mixed the colors on the palette prior to throwing them on to the canvas.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Contemporary Abstract Acrylic Textured Painting by Brad Rickerby

6" x 6" x 1.5"
 Abstract Acrylic on Canvas
$47.00 (with 10% donated to charity)
Painting by Brad Rickerby
Available for sale.

This is another in my series of letting go. Starting off this time with a deep red base, I just load up brush fulls of white mixed with blue and blue mixed with white nd throw them at the canvas. I keep turning the canvas clock wise (or counter if you prefer) and using smaller and smaller brushes (which leave less paint with each throw) until I am satisfied that I have created chaos. While it is chaos, the interlocking of the lines provides for a closed system. 

This is a smallish painting with painted sides, so it is ready to hang. 10% of the proceeds of your purchase will be donated to charity (I still have to make up my mind about which one). Please contact me by email at if you have questions or are interested in purchasing this work.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Contemporary Abstract Acrylic and Watercolor Painting by Brad Rickerby

Landscape 2
8"x 10"
 Abstract Acrylic & Watercolor on Mat Board
$47.00 (I will donate 10% of all $47.00 paintings to charity)
Painting by Brad Rickerby
Available for sale.

This is the same technique used for Seascape #1 discussed in the prior post, with the following exceptions. 1) The sky turned out to be the sky in this painting and, 2) I bunched the saran wrap much more heavily over undiluted acrylic ink. The result was that the marks created by the saran wrap are much more visible.

I'm enjoying this technique and will certainly do more.

Does anyone have any color combination suggestions?

By the way, I am sell this painting at $47.00 as part of a challenge put together by a number of artists. 10% of the money I collect from this challenge will go to charity.

My email address is